The 2009 Le Mans is now upon us! Who will win oh great Serpent? Will Audi repeat victory yet again? Will Aston Martin pull off a miracle victory? Will the corvettes prevail in their final season in GT1? The voices of my fans ring a loud yet childish "uh-oh" in my in-box... I try to filter the tide of questions to my junk mail... yet more get through what appears to be a poor software filter design. Speculation for 2009 Le Mans victory currently runs rampant on the Interweb... who's predictions do we believe? Who's speculation can we trust enough for betting our hard earned dollars (i.e. the kids "education" fund)? Certainly not the left-wing corrupt self-proclaimed insiders of this sport!!!
Fear not my World Class
(TM) fans... the Serpent is a master of many skills, and I will now use my exquisite control over the dark powers of Tarot card reading to predict who will be victorious this year.
Oh dark magic! Who will win Le Mans in 2009? Let us begin...

The Five of swords.
The first card represents an important element of the past. Swords and warriors are strewn about. We see three noble warriours, growing hardened from years of battle. The warriors clearly represent the #1, #2, and #3 Audi cars. At their side is the loyal companion Joest, strong and courageous, never straying. The numerous swords represent the many weapons used in battles of Audi's past (The R8 and R10. The R15 is held ready for future battles). The castle on the distant hill represents the kingdom that has resulted from prior Le Mans dominance. The wilted tree on the top left represents fragility. This is a dark forewarning that all kingdoms eventually fall.

The Knight of Coins (reversed).
This represents a key deciding element of the present . The night of coins is a powerful card. This represents destiny. Our swordsman is now a knight of valor, seasoned and well rewarded for his heroic battles of past. The Gold coin represents Audi's bountiful factory support. Few can challenge his might. Upside down, the Knight of Coins represents a turn of fortune... a turn into financial turmoil. The loyal Joest remains at side. This card clearly describes the financial climate that has brought cutbacks into the current Audi racing program. This is a destiny that Audi cannot avoid despite their previous dominance and aquired might.

The Seven Wands of Valor (reversed).
The final card represents that which has not yet come to pass. A very interesting card indeed. Much energy comes from this card. Walking on magical wands the combatant uses a clever rue to gain tactical advantage over his opponents. He has both leverage for striking his foes, and the element of surprise. This strongly points to Audi and their aerodynamic design of the R15, and it's TDI engine. The reversal of this card also hints that the cleverness of Audi will be their downfall. Technical innovation will betray team Audi. This could only mean a victory for Peugeot. (AM won't win because... well... because they won't).
Peugeot will win Le Mans in 2009. Consider it fact.
You are welcome.
You should get Sylvia Browne to try and predict the GT2 winner.
Well, you were right, even if your methods are a little odd. Why didn't you try and predict the other class winners?
I did, but the Lizard was too lazy to write it up. Being cold-blooded has disadvantages. Besides, my pet fish could predict a factory Vette victory in GT1, Porsche victory in P2. The Serpent's gut told him that Risi would win GT2... but the gut was surprised at how poorly the 911's did in the end. The gut wanted a 911 victory to be a nice middle finger aimed at the Ferrari brass at the race.
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